Switching to Natural Deodorant
Natural deodorants typically have a reputation for not working. You've probably heard that too and maybe that's why you haven't made the switch, or maybe you've tried it and it just didn't work for you. But why? How come it works well for some, but not others?
Traditional deodorants are made with sweat-blocking and pore clogging ingredients, like aluminum, antibacterial agents such as triclosan, parabens, petrochemicals, and synthetic fragrances -- all of which are harmful to our health. When you switch from a conventional deodorant or antiperspirant to a natural deodorant, it's only natural that your glands and pores will start to unclog, open up, and function properly. During this transition time, your pores begin unclogging, breathing, and toxins start releasing from your body. This detoxification process may actually temporarily increase your body odor & have you wondering if your new natural deodorant is actually working! Most people lose heart at this stage and don't press on. It's important to detox our pits -- putting chemicals and synthetics in our armpits for so many years not only clog our pores, but also our receptor cells which feed directly into breast tissue.
Try these couple of tips for switching to a natural deodorant without feeling "au naturel".
1. "Detox" Your Pits! Before you start a new deodorant, you will need to detox. You've probably been using a chemical-laden deodorant since you were a pre-teen. That's a lot of years of putting chemicals in your pits. There's going to be some chemical residue and dead skin build up in your underarms. Before your shower, gently dry brush your underarm skin to loosen this build up and gently increase circulation. You gotta get this stuff out of your pores before the "stink" goes away.
2. Start Clean You may need to clean those pits more than you're used to for a few weeks. Now that you're sweating as nature intended, it's going to start to unclog your pores and receptor cells. Wash your pits with warm soapy (non chemical soap) water. Always make sure that the "stink" has been completely washed away before you get out of the shower. Leave the soap lather on your pits for up to 30 seconds - this can help reduce lingering odors and help remove bacteria.
TIP: Deodorizing essential oils found in natural soaps are best for washing (our favorites are Melaleuca, Peppermint, lemongrass, or patchouli).
3. Sweat it Out Get sweating! Exercising, sauna, hot showers, baths, etc. ?This will get your sweat glands functioning properly again. At first, you may notice your underarm sweat being a little "thick." This is because the sweat glands in your armpits are different from others on your body. Instead of just water and salt, these glands should also excrete amino acids. But, because your glands haven't been able to excrete these amino acids for quite some time, there may be a buildup of mucous being released.
4. Hydrate With all this sweating, you need to replace your fluids! Staying hydrated will also help to "thin" out your sweat. With less amino and fatty acids in your sweat, the less bacteria will have to feed on, and the less odor you'll experience.
5. Give it a Go You'll need to keep at this for at least 1-3 weeks before deciding if it works for you. Our bodies vary greatly in their health, and so does the nature of our sweat (how attractive our sweat is to bacteria) and how much we produce in different situations. We suggest to give yourself a full 3 weeks if your diet and exercise plan has been less than ideal lately (we've all been there!) and/or if you've been using antiperspirants regularly for several years. I have to say that I sweat a lot by nature and used to be stinky, but once I detoxed -- I no longer smell. I do sweat (our body has to rid itself of toxins somehow,) but it's not nearly like I used to (and more importantly, I don't stink!!)
6. What if I smell?
I'll be honest, in the beginning you probably will. With cooler temps coming, it's a good time of the year to do it though. If you are home, you might want to splash them with some warm water and wash them during the detox (haha!) I use the Thai Mineral Salt and it keeps me totally odor free, but I add a drop of essential oil too! Depending on the time of year, I use different oils (I LOVE to smell good)...Balance, Motivate (cooling), Melaleuca & Lemongrass and I always, always put a drop of Frankincense in my pits at night before bed. We all know how amazing this oil is and all the benefits and properties it has...so that is a MUST for me! Bentonite Clay is also another thing to consider when detoxing - it helps to pull out the toxins faster!
7. What To Wear Natural fabrics like cotton, bamboo and hemp will help wick perspiration away from your body & can help you stay dry. Whereas synthetic fabrics like acetate and polyester trap sweat in, and give bacteria a warm wet place to live -- yuck!
I hope that you all take the plunge and try this -- it's SO worth it, I promise!